Thursday, December 27, 2018

SCMED2031 Molecular Cell Biology Assignment Help

SCMED2031 Molecular Cell Biology Assignment Help

The aim of course molecular cell biology is to introduce the present model of eukaryotic cell at the molecular level, explain aspects of cellular structure and performance regulation, the cell cycle and therefore flow of genetic data. It links various aspects of organic chemistry and biological science into the wider context structure of organism, cancer development and embryological related development.

Change your learning habits with us

Hiiii mentors….hope you are doing well in biology of molecular science. The students who wish to grab knowledge about structure of cell found this subject very interesting. The subject is not tough at all but demands expert tutors of the subject. You can try Myassignmenthelp biology tutors. They will surely fulfil all your requirements that to at nominal fees.

Some of the topics we have taught are as follows:

  1. An Overview of Cell Structure and Function
    • Cell’s Need for Immense Amounts of Information
    • Rudiments of Prokaryotic Cell Structure
    • Rudiments of Eukaryotic Cell Structure
    • Packing DNA into Cells
    • Moving Molecules into or out of Cells
  2. Nucleic Acid and Chromosome Structure
    • The Regular Backbone Of DNA
    • Grooves in DNA and Helical Forms of DNA
    • Dissociation and Re-association of Base-paired Strands
    • Reading Sequence Without Dissociating Strands
    • Electrophoretic Fragment Separation
  3. DNA Synthesis
    • Enzymology
    • Proofreading, Okazaki Fragments, and DNA Ligase
    • Detection and Basic Properties of DNA Polymerases
    • In vitro DNA Replication
    • Error and Damage Correction
  4. Transcription, Termination, and RNA Processing
    • Polymerase Elongation Rate
    • Processing Prokaryotic RNAs After Synthesis
    • S1 Mapping to Locate 5’ and 3’ Ends of Transcripts
    • Caps, Splices, Edits, and Poly-A Tails on Eukaryotic RNAs
    • The Discovery and Assay of RNA
  5. Protein Structure
    • The Amino Acids
    • The Peptide Bond
    • Electrostatic Forces that Determine Protein Structure
    • Hydrogen Bonds and the Chelate Effect
    • Hydrophobic Forces
  6. Protein Synthesis
    • Activation of Amino Acids During Protein Synthesis
    • Fidelity of Aminoacylation
    • How Synthetases Identify the Correct tRNA Molecule
    • Decoding the Message
    • Base Pairing between Ribosomal RNA and Messenger
  7. Genetics
    • Mutations
    • Point Mutations, Deletions, Insertions, and Damage
    • Classical Genetics of Chromosomes
    • Mechanism of a trans Dominant Negative Mutation
    • Genetic Recombination
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visit at : SCBIO1032 Introductory Microbiology Assignment Help

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