Sunday, January 20, 2019

How to deal with HI6008 Business research subject Holmes?

How to deal with HI6008 Business research subject Holmes?
How to score A++ in HI6008 Business research?
HI6008 Business research is one of the important course pursued by the students enrolled in the master of business administration and other accounting courses in Holmes Institute Australia. This coursework is being chosen by large number of students enrolled being a mandatory subject. HI6008 Business research subject is highly important for the students since it offers wide knowledge of research conducted in business context for the students so that students can gain access to the research field while entering in the corporate world. Conducting business research will help the students to know about the key insights of the chosen field and thereby help in making better strategic decisions enabling business growth.
HI6008 Business research subject
HI6008 Business research coursework comprises of three assignments and there is no written exam being taken by the Holmes College. Since all the marks are distributed among the three assignments hence it is important for the students to successfully accomplish these assignments and clear the subject. Three assignments allocated for this course are having marks as under:
  1. Assignment 1- Literature review (30%)
  2. Assignment 2- Research proposal (50%)
  3. Assignment 3- Research reflection (20%)
HI6008 Business research- Literature review- Assignment 1
HI6008 Business research Literature review is the first assignment which is having 30% marks in overall subject. In first assignment students are expected to write the literature review on the selected topic. While writing literature review some of the key tips which should be taken care in mind are as under:
  1. Refer as many as possible journals for conducting literature review
  2. Provide harvard style references
  3. Provide atleast 15-20 references with accurate page numbers
  4. Compare between two or more authors for the chosen literature topic
  5. Do not summarize the views but provide analytical analysis
  6. Do not copy paste/plagiarism must be avoided
Contact The Best Assignment help for HI6008 Business research- Literature review- Assignment 1 for Holmes College Assignment Help
HI6008 Business research- Research Proposal- Assignment 2
HI6008 Business research assignment 2 require students to develop research proposal on the same topic on which assignment 1 was made by the student. Research proposal require student to write on the given headings in the assignment which include research questions, primary and secondary questions, research hypothesis, research methodology, sampling technique, validity of research, time plan for the research and other related requirements. Buy Assignment 2 HI6008 Business research with The Best Assignment help at
HI6008 Business research- Reflection- Assignment 3
HI6008 Business research Assignment 3 is reflection assignment wherein students have to reflect on the learning made in assignment 1 and 2. This reflection is based on the theoretical and practical experience gained by the students in order to accomplish HI6008 Busiiness research assignment for Holmes College Assignments.
Hi6008 Business research by The Best Assignment Help
The Best Assignment Help has prominent writers who are well versed with the subject knowledge and possesses vast experience in the business research assignment help. Connect with the The Best Assignment help writers to buy online assignment for HI6008 Business research for Holmes Assignment Help at
The Best Assignment help is one of the best website for assignment help. For more details you may contact us at or call at +447418324884, +918607503827

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